Jubilee Pool, Penzance

Status: Completed

Location: Penzance, Cornwall, UK

Client: Jubilee Pool Penzance Ltd

Funding: Community share offer, Penzance town council, Cornwall council

European Regional Development Fund

Team: QS (RIBA Stage 2) - PT Projects

Structural Engineer - Webb Yates Engineers

Conservation/Heritage - ScottWhitby Studio

Services Engineer - Webb Yates Engineers

Project Manager/QS - Fox Cornwall

Main Contractor - Catling Construction

Joinery - A1 Construction Penzance

Polyurea Roofing - ESW

Fibreglass Cladding - Stuart Pease (Fibreglass Ltd)

Geothermal Engineering - GEON - GEL Geothermal Engineering


Photographer - Jim Stephenson

Drone imagery - EyeOnHigh

On the rocky shores of Penzance, the beloved Jubilee Pool, a historic gem, faced the threat of closure due to years of relentless Atlantic storms. In 2017, ScottWhitbyStudio embarked on a mission to breathe new life into this Grade II listed treasure. The challenge was to ensure its year-round accessibility for the community while honouring its rich history.

When the town of Penzance entrusted us with the task of preserving the Jubilee Pool, their unwavering affection for this coastal icon was palpable. We sought to create a space that belongs to the people of Penzance, a heartfelt gift in return for their dedication. The project aimed to retain the pool's historical essence, infusing it with a contemporary twist and ensuring its resilience against the tempestuous sea.


Our approach was rooted in respect for the past. We carefully maintained the existing listed structures, bridging them with a contemporary interpretation of the iconic art deco design. Drawing inspiration from the maritime surroundings, our design choices harmonised with the pool's nautical context. The result was an expanded café and a versatile community hall, both seamlessly integrated into a new public promenade.

In orchestrating this revitalised haven, we went beyond aesthetics. We fortified the structures against the fierce coastal elements, creating a geothermal pool powered by a well that reached 410 metres into the Earth, maintaining a low carbon footprint. The sculpted roof that stretches along the development echoed the pool's contours, celebrating Penzance's unique lighting conditions and inviting passersby to engage with the space. 

Our architectural interventions, while transformative, humbly deferred to the pool's historic beauty. By providing year-round facilities and fostering sustainable economic activity, we ensured the Jubilee Pool's legacy endures. In the heart of Penzance, we've not only preserved a beloved landmark but also revitalised a community's cherished memory, now ready to thrive for generations to come.


